Summer in Carlingford Hexagon tutorial

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The Summer in Carlingford pullover pattern is available on Ravelry, Etsy and Lovecrafts.

It is constructed using 2 hexagons for the sides and sleeves, connected by a floral panel. Read on for a photo tutorial on constructing the hexagons. UK Crochet terms used throughout

1.hexagon set up and round one complete. 6 tr spokes, 6 c1 spaces.

2. Hexagon round 2. 6 sides of 5 tr, 6 c2 corner spaces

3. Hexagon round 3. In the corner, work 2tr, c2

4. To start the split cluster, begin a tr in the same corner space. do not finish stitch, keep 2 loops on hook.

5. Skip next stitch, and work another incomplete tr into the central stitch. Pull through all three loops on hook. Chain 2. You now have 2trs worked together and a chain 2, sitting over 3 stitches of the row below. Your first split cluster group is complete.

6. Repeat this step, working into the same central stitch and the next corner

7. Each corner is worked as 2Tr, c2, 2tr, c2

8. In the next round, you will repeat the split clusters, working into the c2 spaces of the previous round. At this point place stitch markers in each corner and move them up every round (many curses were cursed, and much frogging was done before I discovered just how essential this was during pattern design. Don’t skip those stitch markers!)

9. This round also functions as your ‘tension square’ (or ‘gauge swatch in US terms). If your dimensions here match the pattern, proceed. If not, you could try a smaller or larger hook

10. At this point we need to identify the side of the hexagon that will become the sleeve, and decide if extra stitches will be included for bust shaping. At this point, although it is still tiny, it will reveal its shape when folded in half

11. place one colour of stitch marker in the first and second corner. This identifies the sleeve, and where these stitch markers sit, shaping will be added to taper the sleeve. If you are adding bust shaping, you also need to identify the front off the pullover. This will be side 3 or 5, depending on whether you are working the right or left hexagon. Place a stitch marker in the center c2 space to identify where bust shaping increases will occur

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